You should go to Stephanie Howell's blog post here and check it out. Because it's real. Because it is insightful into who she is and because, just because in my opinion she is right. We should share the reality of our lives and I really do not like false representations.
So here's a little reality list of my own:
I get up at 500 am in the morning, feed three dogs, drink a cup of coffee, shower, do my makeup, hair and dash off to an 8-9 hour a day job. 5 days a week
I sleep in on the weekends until 630...can't make it past that.
My house is always clean
My laundry is always done
I make my bed everyday.
I always wear makeup
I always do my hair...ok that's not true. Sometimes I just leave it wet and it get real curly and I straighten my bangs and that's what you get.
I iron my clothes (work clothes) everyday. I can't help it, it's habit.
I can do these things because I don't have a husband or kids to take care of. Otherwise, a lot of this would go out the window.
I am 53 and I live alone. I am single and I am ok with that right now. Matter of fact, I love it right now.
I get lonely sometimes. Really lonely.
I go places with my daughter and her friends concerts, hiking. seriously, it's fun.
I don't cook very much anymore because it's just me. I don't like that because i love to cook.
My week evenings are pretty much spent cleaning, doing laundry, going to the gym, riding my bicycle and reading.
I facebook too much.
I don't scrap enough.
My scraproom is a disaster. I clean it up. Mess it up...and clean it up again.
I spend too much time alone sometimes. But I really like it.
I talk to my dogs. All the time.
My best friend is nothing like me. She does not do outdoor stuff. She doesn't scrap...she does make fabulous cards though. And she is really more like a sister than anything.
I have a really hard time with motivation during the week.
I cannot scrap, practice photography or do anything until all of my "chores" are done. Now who the hell asssigns me chores? Me! Sad that!
I am BORING! LOL....
yay you played! your aloneness sounds like Heaven sometimes, LOL